Carotenoids are oil-soluble plant pigments that the body can convert to vitamin A. They are responsible for the bright colors of produce. The best known carotenoid is beta-carotene. Beta carotene also has the most vitamin A activity of all of the carotenoids.  Other carotenoids include alpha carotene, lycopene, lutein, astaxanthin, beta crpytoxanthin, and zeaxanthin.

A study appearing in Cancer Research (2009; 69(24): 9323-9) compared 602 breast cancer patients to 626 controls. It found that Healthy breast scan X-ray plate.the amount of carotenoids  circulating in the blood was inversely related to the risk for breast cancer. Women with high mammographic density enjoyed as much as a 50% reduction in breast cancer risk when they had high levels of carotenoids. The relationship did not exist in women with low mammographic density.