Lawrence Lacy, DC
California, USA 90211
Dr. Lacy has over 25 years experience specializing in non-forceful adjustment / treatment of misalignment interferences (causing nerve and blood flow disturbances). Some of the techniques I use are: Koren Specific Technique, Bio-Energetic Synchronization Tech., Neuro-Pathway Technique, Activator Technique, Quantum Healing Chiro. Method, and Advanced Nutrition Response Testing. He was a U.S. Army Medical Specialist for 3 years. Served in Military Hospitals and Medical Dispensary’s for the treatment of sick and injured soldiers. He is a graduate of the National University of Health Sciences (National College of Chiropractic), Lombard, Illinois. He holds a B.S. in Human Biology and a D.C. – Doctor of Chiropractic degree.
Applied Kinesiology